Bhargav Chandaka

I’m currently working on research in robotics and computer vision advised by Prof. Shenlong Wang. I am currently working on building a custom mobile manipulation platform for last-mile delivery. Previously, I completed my undergrad in Math&CS from UIUC, where I worked on autonomous vehicle research.
Interest/Skills Statement
- I most enjoy getting hands-on and integrating algorithms onto physical robot/autonomy systems to work in the real-world.
- I have more experience on the perception side including working with edge devices/sensors, training custom cv/ml models, point clouds, and Vision-Language models. On the planning/control side, I’ve integrated Nav2/Moveit2 onto new robots and worked with basic waypoint following controllers/PID.
- I also have good SWE skills(testing in simulation, Docker containers, CICD, OOP, documentation, etc.) and a generalist “maker” skillset including 3D printing, Fusion 360 CAD, robot building, and hobby electronics.